Saturday 30 April 2016

British 'Others' photos, feedback and survey.

Thank you to everyone who made Thursday night what it was: our four engaging speakers and such a thoughtful audience. We heard real life and honest accounts of the experiences of those that are British and ethnic. We discussed and debated. We ate and laughed.
Aminul unpacking the issues faced by young Bangladeshis.
Chimmi sharing from a Black British background on the power of networks.

Chine sharing when she realised she was the 'other'.

Usha on growing up as an Indian in Britain and the complexity of being Christian and Indian
Thank you for the feedback both orally and written. Here are some of the written messages that I have received:
Can I just say that last nights event was excellent. I loved it :) and it was truly eye opening. Thank you for organising it!   Susie

Many thanks for the event. The talks of [sic] individual people were interesting and very welcoming indeed. Jonathan
Thanks for the event! It was amazing! Very good! 👏👏👏  Danilo
Just wanted to congratulate you on another successful event, it was a great evening - well done!  Theo
...what a great event - really good speakers, good fun and interesting people to meet - I'm giving thanks to God for you! Pete
Missed out? It would be helpful to get your thoughts.
Were you there? It would be helpful to get your thoughts.