Sunday 16 April 2017

That Spring Feeling: New Logo and New Event

Here's the new logo*! Looking forward to the weird and wonderful things coming up! Keep looking and don't miss out! Check out the Facebook page

Did someone say treasure hunt? 
Aye, me hearties! Save the afternoon of Saturday, 6th May 2017. Who needs a smelly pirate ship and a boring desert island when you have a whole city? Join others in a free fun-filled race around London in search of clues and...the treasure! 

For more information and to sign up, see:

*Facebook post (11/04/17)
Long time no speak! Yes, that's right. Sorry. Date clashes have been a tiny bit of a pain and I should have just told you all. Well, the good news is that Random Events is not dead. Far from it! There's a new logo and potential venue that's been the discussion point for over a month now and some exciting events coming up! Keep looking and thanks for your patience.